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Why are Black and White images good for babies?

Newborn babies see the world as a fuzzy place, and can only see high contrast black and white images clearly. This is because their retina is not fully developed at birth, and they are only able to detect large contrasts between light and dark. As they grow and their retina develops, they will eventually be able to see the full spectrum of colors. 


 Black and white high contrast images are particularly effective at stimulating and promoting vision development in newborns. These images register powerfully on a baby's retina and send the strongest visual signals to their brain, helping to encourage brain growth and faster visual development.

With our range of black and white products, you can support your baby's development at every stage of their growth. From newborn to 24 months old, our black and white toys, books, and muslins provide a range of activities and experiences that can help to develop your baby's vision, hand-eye coordination, and fine motor skills.

3-5 months

At this age, babies will start following objects with their eyes and can develop this skill with our "High Contrast Hanging Toy". Using the "Welcome to The World High Contrast Book" will encourage tummy time will further help strengthen their upper body muscles and improve head control.

5-8 months

At around 5-8 months, babies begin to develop depth perception, a better sense of colour and the ability to move objects from one hand to the other. They also develop the capacity to concentrate on objects alongside their fingers and toes. 

Toys that promote fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination, such as those that can be held, reached for, pulled, or kicked, can be beneficial at this age. Our "High Contrast Water Mat" will be a useful tummy time toy to improve hand-eye coordination during this time.

 8-12 months

As babies approach their first birthday, their vision, movement, and memory start to become more closely connected. Activities that involve hand-eye coordination, such as stacking blocks or playing with musical toys that make noise when moved, can be beneficial at this age. Finger foods can also be introduced to encourage self-feeding. Engaging in activities such as hide and seek with toys or reading books can also be enjoyable ways to bond with your child and help them learn new words and recognize familiar objects. The "Welcome To The World Little One Book" is a useful resource that contains illustrations of common first words so can be used when they are learning to speak between 12-24 months.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to support your baby's development with our range of black and white products. Order now and watch your baby's eyes light up as they discover the world around them.


Chaze, Betty Ann, and Susan M. Ludington-Hoe. “Sensory Stimulation in the NICU.” The American Journal of Nursing, vol. 84, no. 1, 1984, pp. 68–71. JSTOR, www.jstor.org/stable/3463253. Accessed 10 July 2021.
Danko-McGhee, K., (2010). The Aesthetic Preferences of Infants: pictures of faces that captivate their interest. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, Vol 11, No. 4. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.2304/ciec.2010.11.4.365
Fantz. R. (1963, April19). Pattern Vision in Newborn Infants. Science, Vol 140, No. 3564, 296-297. https://home.fau.edu/lewkowic/web/Fantz%20Infant%20Preferece1963.pdf
Haupert, C., Raymond, K., Sather, R. (2022). Vision Milestones.University of Rochester Medical Centre - https://www.urmc.rochester.edu/encyclopedia/content.aspx?contenttypeid=85&contentid=P01093
Rymanowicz, K. (2014, December 18).  Infant Vision Development: Helping babies see their bright futures! Michigan State University  https://www.canr.msu.edu/news/infant_vision_development_helping_babies_see_their_bright_futures
ZEMACH, I., CHANG, S., & TELLER, D. (2007). Infant color vision: Prediction of infants' spontaneous color preferences Vision Research, 47 (10), 1368-1381 DOI: 10.1016/j.visres.2006.09.024